Tributes of Poet Descendents

The boxes don’t fit
the tiny spaces between the words & footnotes
or the bibliography marked expert scarce the range
flesh and bone don't work that way
blood is even more tricky, defiant of historical text
here at the Cape somebody distilled you down to rape
managed the magma & roughage transported on rivers,
seas, across stone and sand to this thing
It didn't carry sweet in the name
Coloured means secret
You live in the great sea of old ships with bloody
secrets chained up in silent memory
You live in the great absence of Khoena, |Xam and
illegitimate stories about amaXhosa and all the Nguni
You live inside the great mouth of too many roots
in a place where truth is a lie
Single stories dirty the air where the lords of history
have cut-throat passions
Nothing about it came cheap
It came with a debt too hefty and a tide that carried
no good blood in it
190 bloodlines fail truth in the present
The stone star watches while the children devil their
eyes with divide 'n rule.
She is the blood of untimely history
is a woman spread legs akimbo across Buuren and
Katzenellenvogen, they say
She is a devastated monologue on a ghost river tongue
salvaging the riddles of |Xam and ||Ammaqua, watermen
Where water murmurs from the clouds the name, Camissa
She is many skins of the ||Ammaqua
She is ||Ammaqua greeting the stolen, the buyers,
the truants, the travellers of sea and land
She is Bengalese indigene mix
She arrives flavoured with the smell of Nil Manel plucked
from the fields of Sri lanka
She is a trinket stolen from the Kampong Meji,
offering to the ocean where nothing returns
she is china compassing the Indian Ocean
in ages before colonies
some 960 years AD
moments with Khoena and AmaXhosa
suffering in invisible ink
Her name is Thisgingnio
Her name is Krotoa
Her name is Sarah, Susanna, Pieternella,
Johanna, Amosijn
Her name is Angola, Timor, China, Mozambique
Her name is Ethiopia
is the tides that rolled in from every side of our great mountain
and river collecting blood and words
from the stone tablet of Hoerikwaggo’s Rosetta
from Thoathoa to the Keiskamma, over land, over sea
to this place
come the children of ||Hui !GAeb
to unburden their stories from labels aggressive with
greedy history and the stink of dirty pure-blood ideas
now the time is here
when the parrot of lessons learned
will speak unburdened truth into wombs
that line drawn in the sand between you and I
masking truth let the wind take it
this is a story as old as all stories as we shake the devil from our eyes
we love, we lust, we birth, we war, we move, we eat, we live, we die
this is our story
the story of all stories
|coab (blood)
We are the story.